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"guide book"の例文


  • 案内書{あんないしょ}
  • guide     1guide n. 案内者, ガイド; 案内記, 手引き. 【動詞+】 always carry a guide to the city
  • book     1book n. (1) 書物, 本; 著作; 聖書; 巻; 厳しい罰; 規則; 知識の源; 賭け. 【動詞+】 abridge a book
  • guide book of electrical equipment    guide book of electrical equipment 電気設備技術基準
  • self-study guide or book    self-study guide or book 独習書 どくしゅうしょ
  • as a guide    参考のために◆【同】for one's guidance
  • guide     1guide n. 案内者, ガイド; 案内記, 手引き. 【動詞+】 always carry a guide to the city いつも町の案内書をもっている employ a guide ガイドを雇う The book forms a complete guide to a very complex subject. その本は非常に複雑な問題
  • to guide    to guide 引き回す ひきまわす
  • a book    a book 一書 いっしょ
  • as a book    本の形で
  • book    1book n. (1) 書物, 本; 著作; 聖書; 巻; 厳しい罰; 規則; 知識の源; 賭け. 【動詞+】 abridge a book 書物の内容を要約する His book has been accepted for publication. 彼の本は出版が認められた What sort of public is this book aimed a
  • book in    {句動-1} : (人の名前を)登録する、記帳する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (ホテルで)チェックインする、宿泊の予約をする
  • book into     bóok into O ((英))〈ホテル〉にチェックインする.
  • book it     bóok it ((米)) (1) ((学生俗))(学校などを)さっさと立ち去る,すぐ帰る. (2) ((俗))(典拠などを)確かめる.
  • book with    ~に予約{よやく}を入れる
  • by the book    決まりきったやり方で、定石{じょうせき}どおりに◆【同】according to the book Nigel was famous for completing every task by the book. ナイジェルはあらゆる作業を定石どおりにこなすことで有名だった。 ------------------------------------------------------------


  • the guide book says it's fancy and very romantic .
    ガイドブックには 幻想的でロマンティックって
  • so the guide book says that the route's through here .
    ガイドブックによれば ここが探検ルートとされてる
  • since bad weather can severely impact a street stall ' s operation , some vendors have their cell numbers published in a guide book; in this case , customers can call the vendor and confirm stall availability .
  • as for the hosonaga for women , it is only written that ' there is no high neck of that kinu (clothes )' in a costume guide book , " masasuke shozokusho " (masasuke ' s notes on court costume ) and thus it is barely known that hosonaga is not a sokutai sort of closed collar costume .
  • in the " shokoku yorozukaimono choho-ki " (a guide book for shopping in various provinces ) published in 1692 , there are descriptions of ceremonial paper strings , a colored strip of paper , a cover , shicho (a paper-made mosquito net ) and karakami as well as a basal paper for fans and a paper treated with astringent persimmon juice as noted products .
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